This past weekend we went ziplining through the rainforest in Monte Verde. It was incredible! I don't think words can even describe how exhilarating it is to be basically flying through so much greenery! I have only one regret from the weekend which is a group from the team went on a night walk in the rainforest and saw so many cool animals and I did not go because I was too tired and cold.. I am SO SAD that I missed that opportunity and I have vowed to not have any more regrets from this vacation! It was quite a disappointment when the team all returned and said that they saw sloths and tarantulas and big bugs etc. It would have been amazing! however, there is still so much exciting stuff to do here that I am sure I will not be disappointed in the rest of my time. But the zipline was all I had hoped for. It is hard to put word, so I will simply exhort you all to do your darndest to go ziplining at some point in your life. I also really enjoyed the four hour bus rides to and from the town. It was sweet time to get to know the others a little better and I had some interesting discussions, tough religious debates, and altogether nice time with all the people on 

Today was definitely the hardest day so far. I was exhausted all day and I feel like my brain suddenly expelled all Spanish that I have ever learned. I was extremely frustrated that I could not speak or understand or think of anything intelligent. I feel a bit better now, but I may be entering stage two of culture shock.. depression haha. I know that a little more sleep will probably be a good thing, but hey, what can you do. 

Anyway, hopefully my brain decides to turn back on tomorrow. Spanish really is quite difficult and there is so much that I don't know still, but I am learning and I know that I will come away so much more proficient than I am now. 

If there are things you would like to hear about, feel free to leave a comment and let me know! Thanks so much for all your encouraging words that I have heard so far and I love knowing that you are reading about my trip! 


6/28/2010 04:02:16 pm

glad you decided to try to get a little more sleep. Without it you may end up "seeing" and "experiencing" a lot of interesting stuff, but assimilating little or none of it. Sleep helps your brain to put your experiences in the apropriate little boxes, so you can retrieve them later. Sleep well, sweetheart! Love you lots.
(PS sorry I sound like a dad ;))

6/29/2010 10:51:33 am

Hey Jen! I have been eagerly waiting for and enjoying all your postings and I have been telling everybody that will listen all about it. I reelly admire the way you are living your dream! I mean, you had a dream, you set some goals and single-mindedly pursued them and now its all happening. Don't worry it it doesn't all go exactly as planned. Remeber: "You don't always get what you wa-a-a-ant....."
Love, Anno
ps praying!

12/19/2010 04:47:21 pm

Much joy to you in the up coming year.
May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.

5/17/2012 04:40:28 pm

It's cool. How you can do that!

5/22/2012 04:33:35 pm

It is a really very nice post. Thank you!

8/14/2012 04:51:39 pm

Interesting topic, come on!

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